About the Book
The TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer (TCCD) exam is part of the official certification program of the TYPO3 Association. By passing the challenging exam, candidates prove that they have specific knowledge and skills needed to work with TYPO3 in a professional way that follows best practices.
Officially certified TYPO3 developers benefit from their achievement in many ways. Agencies who employ certified experts demonstrate that their team has the knowledge and experience to build TYPO3 projects of all sizes and complexities.
The TCCD certification covers topics such as programming basics, coding standards, Git and Composer, general TYPO3 knowledge, the TYPO3 Core architecture and APIs, extension software architecture, domain-driven design (DDD) concepts, database abstraction, caching and performance, the Extbase framework, Middlewares, logging and debugging, TYPO3 DataHandler, Fluid and ViewHelpers, security and privacy, and more.
This study guide covers all topics and reflects the style and structure of the real exam. The revised and updated 3rd edition of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer book/eBook contains more than 200 example questions, possible answers and detailed explanations of which answers are correct and why. The chapters align with the official syllabus to ensure readers can prepare for the certification in the best possible fashion.
This comprehensive study guide is designed to help you prepare for the test and master the exam. While it does not guarantee a pass, it significantly increases your chances. With this guide, you can confidently work towards becoming a certified TYPO3 developer and take your professional career to new heights.
PDF and ePub -
Paperback -
340+ pages -
English -

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Printed versions of the book are available at Amazon.